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Re: source code security

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, Peter Henning wrote:

> one nice trick is to take away all "r" permissions on your cgi binaries. 
> Most scripts just need world or group "x" permissions, and possibly owner 
> "w" permissions so that you can recompile them from a safer directory 
> elsewhere. That way, the scripts can run but even if they live somewhere 
> inside your document root (not a wise idea)

Not true; "scripts" definitely cannot run without read permission.  You 
are conflating binaries with scripts, a common practice but an unsafe 
one.  A script cannot be run without read permission because it contains 
code to be sent into an interpreter that has to be read at runtime.  A C 
binary on the other hand contains native machine code and can be 
executed without read permissions.

Also on this topic, there have been server bugs/misfeatures in the past 
that allowed people to retrieve CGI source code even if everything was 
configured correctly.  Caveat webmaster.

Paul Phillips                                 | "Click _here_ if you do not
<URL:mailto:paulp@cerf.net>                   |  have a graphical browser"
<URL:http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/>      |  -- Canter and Siegel, on
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